Lack of clean drinking water is a major problem in under-developed countries. Surface water, which has been polluted by man and animals, is commonly used. This surface water is the source of diseases such as cholera, worms, typhoid, dysentery, diarrhea, etc. Nursing the sick drains the resources, energy, and progress of the community.
Over 1,400 “gravity water systems” have been built in the Lowveld of South Africa, improving the water quality for 41,600 families. The health of the family improves two weeks after the systems installed.
Water supplies must be protected from pollution and stored for future use.
Drilling rigs, pumps, engines, electricity, etc. are not available. Therefore, manual labor and gravity must supply the required power. Pictures are available of the actual construction of such a system. We hope that these bulletins describing methods and procedures to develop and store clean water will assist in the construction of more systems.
The following is a list of resources now available online about the collection and storing of clean water.
- Video Description — “How to Cap and Spring a Tank”
- Bulletins #1 & 2 — Catchment and Filtering
- Bulletin #3 — Capping and Developing Springs
- Bulletin #4 — How to Build a Cement Tank